Minitube: A program that completely changes the way you watch YouTube


The way we consume visual content with entertainment is constantly evolving, but the interesting question always arises: how can we improve our experience when watching videos online, especially on popular platforms like YouTube? The answer can be in an innovative program called Minitube.

A program that completely changes the way you watch YouTube.

It is a software that transforms the way we interact with YouTube in our computers with Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems.

Minitube is a program designed to provide a similar experience for watching TV, but on YouTube. When moving away from a typical web browser interface, it provides a dedicated app that simplifies and improves the visualization of videos. It offers a number of interesting functions which are as follows:

– Easy subscription to channels: lets you subscribe to YouTube channels directly from the app.

– Integrated sharing tool: makes it easy to share videos from the same app.

– Search for relevant videos: improve the experience of discovering new content.

– Display modes: Includes floating and compact screen modes and filling screen.

– Video parts finder: If a video is divided into parts, Minitube can easily find it.

– Easily change resolution: ideal for adjusting video quality by user’s internet speed or screen size.

Once installed, we will be asked to license for Windows, although we can always choose the beta version.

After installation, we can now enter a keyword and start watching relevant videos. And we can put a full screen or see a list of all the results you brought. Each video has its own context menu, so you can copy the URL, open it in the browser or share it.

A program that completely changes the way you watch YouTube.2

Minitube is free for Linux users. For MacOS and Windows users, the software costs about $11, but there are free versions of it, but it lacks permanent updates and email support.

– Link: Minitube