Dailymotion website: a perfect alternative for beginners to earn money

May 2, 2024 | NEWS, SOCIAL MEDIA, WEBSITES | 0 comments


Are you looking for an easy and effective way to profit from the Internet? Do you like sharing videos ? If your answer is “Yes” then today you are with the right article where I will explain to you the DailyMotion website for profit from videos as a perfect alternative for Utube.

Dailymotion website: a perfect alternative for beginners to earn money

We will also offer the most important differences in profit from YouTube compared to the profit from Dailymotion and how to work in this platform in 2024

The profit benefits of Dailymotion for the content maker in 2024

1. Diversification of sources of income

Dailymotion is an additional source of income for content makers, allowing them to reduce reliance on one platform like YouTube.

It is what I personally call the profit of copying and pasting simply means instead of being a content creator rather than just uploading the video YouTube you can upload to DailyMotion as well and win from the two.

2. New Audience

Dailymotion offers access to new audiences from around the world, expanding the viewer base and increasing opportunities for higher profits especially with the large number of visitors entering the site per month.

3. Profit Terms

Dailymotion offers easy-to-profit terms just you need to bring 1,000 views to your videos and so you will be partner for them and profiting from the videos you upload.

4. Freedom of content

Dailymotion allows for more diverse content compared to YouTube, giving content makers greater freedom in the type of content they offer and especially less stringent than YouTube whose policies have become very difficult and inappropriate for all content makers.

Of course, we always talk about real exclusive content of your YouTube or DailyMotion channels that are the same for using copyright content, so be sure that in order to earn money from Dailymotion the content has to be yours .

Dailymotion website: a perfect alternative for beginners to earn money

The most important differences between profit from Dailymotion and profit from YouTube:

1. Profit Terms

Dailymotion: Requests 1000 views for your monetization videos.

YouTube: 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in 12 months.

2. Speed of acceptance of applications

Dailymotion: Once you bring 1,000 views your ads start to appear live.

YouTube: You need a hand review from YouTube to accept monetization for your channel.

3. Content Rules

Dailymotion: Less stringent, more diverse content is allowed.

YouTube: Stricter, restrictions on some types of content

4. Audience

Dailymotion: Rich and diverse, from all over the world.

YouTube: Bigger and more diverse, but it can be difficult to reach a target audience especially with great competition.

5. Technical Support

Dailymotion: Excellent.

YouTube: Very weak and almost non-existent.

6. Analytics tools:

Dailymotion: Strong.

YouTube: Really excellent and more stats and data.


7. Profit

Dailymotion: depends on the number of views and the type of ads.

YouTube: depends on the number of views, the type of ads and the number of subscribers.

In 2024, the use of Dailymotion is expected to increase dramatically, making it an ideal platform for content makers looking to diversify income sources, reach a new audience and make higher profits.


In the end, I advise you to focus on profit from the DailyMotion in 2024, as I was working hard on my YouTube channel, but the competition was very fierce.

I was frustrated, and I began to lose hope of making any profits from my video content. But, this has changed when I discovered Dailymotion platform.At first, I didn’t expect much.

But, soon I realized that Dailymotion was very different from YouTube.The profit terms were much easier, the speed of accepting applications faster, and the content rules less stringent.

Finally, I felt like I had a real chance of success.I started working on my Dailymotion channel with the same enthusiasm and perseverance as I did on my YouTube channel.

But this time, the results were very different as in a few months, I made more profit from Dailymotion than I did on YouTube in years.

I couldn’t believe it! Dailymotion has really changed my life as I now have a steady source of income from my video content.

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