iMacros for Chrome

Mar 8, 2024 | GOOGLE, NEWS | 0 comments


This article will introduce you to a fantastic feature iMacros that lets you set up your browser to perform tasks that you perform on a daily basis. It works with both Chrome and Mozilla. You can now browse without using your mouse if, for example, you visit particular websites for a set amount of time.

iMacros for Chrome

How to Use iMacros

iMacros for Chrome

Simply click the link at the bottom of the post to download the addendum, then fill it out and proceed as follows:

1. Install iMacros:  go to, the official iMacros website, and download the browser extension of your choice. Observe the installation guidelines that come with the extension.

2. Start iMacros: In the toolbar of your browser, there should be an iMacros icon once the extension has been installed. To open the iMacros interface, click the icon.

3. Recording a Macro: A macro must be recorded in order to automate a task. In the iMacros interface, click the record button (usually represented by a red circle). Your browser will begin to record your actions as a result.

4. Take Actions: Execute the tasks you wish to have automated. This can include any repetitive tasks you want to automate, such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and going to particular pages.

5. Stop Recording: In the iMacros interface, click the stop button (typically a square) once the desired actions have been completed. The macro that was recorded will be kept.

6. Playback the Macro: In the iMacros interface, click the play button (often a green arrow) to launch the macro and repeat the recorded actions. The actions that were recorded will automatically be repeated.

7. Manage Macros: You can arrange and manage your macros with iMacros. The iMacros interface allows you to modify, remove, and add new macros.

8. Using Loops and Variables: iMacros also has support for loops and variables, which lets you write more intricate and dynamic automation scripts. Variable definition, conditional expressions, and data iteration are all possible.

9. Data Saving and Loading: During automation, you can save and load data using iMacros. In situations where you need to retrieve data from external sources or extract information from web pages, this can be helpful.

10. Scheduled Automation: You can set up your macros to run automatically at predetermined times with iMacros. Recurring tasks can be scheduled to execute at specific intervals.

This is the official addition’s video, which describes better iMacros

  • You can download iMacros extension from   here

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